
Plugin to integrate Pay by Invoice by Sprinque in PrestaShop

The Sprinque PrestaShop plugin allows you to offer your business buyers net payment terms (7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 days) and thereby grow conversion and retention.

Built to integrate seamlessly with your PrestaShop webshop, Sprinque will appear in the checkout as a payment method for business buyers (B2B only). When business buyers choose to Pay by Invoice, Sprinque conducts a real-time fraud and risk assessment, and buyers can pay up to 90 days later. Approved buyers will be given a credit limit and payment term, which can be used for multiple purchases.

Installation of the plugin

  1. Before installing the plugin, please register an account in the Sprinque Merchant Control Center (MCC);
  2. You can use a sandbox or production environment (agree with the Sprinque team on NET terms, default credit limit, fee, etc., if haven’t please contact support@sprinque or your account manager);
  3. Download the plugin using this link.
  4. Log in to your Prestashop backend and navigate to the "Modules" tab.
  5. Click on the "Module Manager" button and then on the "Upload a module" button.

install sprinque Presta shop plugin

  1. Drop the or select the zip file containing the Sprinque payment module and click on "Upload this
    module" button.

  1. Once the module is uploaded, it will appear in the list of installed modules.
  2. Click on the "Configure" button next to the Sprinque payment module to set it up.

Configure PrestaShop plugin

  1. Configure the plugin
    9.1 Mode can be sandbox or production;
    9.2 API key can be found in the Sprinque Merchant Control Center (MCC) -> settings -> API keys and urls;
    9.3 Name Sprinque payment option in checkout to make it clear for your buyers;

  1. Map order statuses
    This section allows you to map Sprinque and PrestaShop order statuses. For example, you can map the "Canceled" in PrestaShop to the "Voided" status in Sprinque. This mapping ensures that the correct order status is reflected in both systems. Sprinque statuses can be found here.

  1. Copy PrestaShop webhook URL and paste it to the Sprinque portal (MCC) in "Settings -> API keys and urls".
    This section provides a webhook URL that can be used to receive real-time updates about manually approved buyers or orders.

  1. Save changes, and you're done! Your customers can now Pay by Invoice with Sprinque in your Prestashop store.

The Sprinque Payment Module will only be displayed in the checkout process if the following conditions are met:

  1. The Sprinque Payment Module will only be displayed to the customer during checkout if the delivery country of the customer is supported by Sprinque as liste d in their documentation:
  2. To be able to use the Sprinque Payment Module during the checkout process, the customer must have entered a company name in the appropriate field as part of the checkout process.
prestashop b2b payment method
  1. The Sprinque Payment Module will only be visible during the checkout process if the website has enabled the B2B (business-to-business) mode.
    Enable B2B mode
