Authorization API


Authorization is the first call to be initiated after the buyer has been approved for financing by Sprinque. This API call shares the basic order details such as the amount and shipping address to Sprinque. Sprinque uses these details to check the eligibility for financing for this particular order.

There are 2 possible cases -

  1. If the buyer is not auto-approved, a pending order can be placed. This order will be authorized automatically after the buyer's manual assessment.
  2. If the buyer has sufficient available credit, the authorization is considered successful and the transaction will be approved for financing.

In a legacy way of integration there is another possible scenario (it's also possible if the buyer is approved for an insufficient amount to place the order):

  • If the buyer has lower available credit than the order amount, the authorization is declined for financing and the order will need to be paid for, in advance.

A few recommendations to fix declined authorization -

  1. Check if there are any outstanding invoices to be paid.
  2. Ensure the order amount is within the available credit limit.
  3. Buyers can request more credit using the [email protected] email;
  4. Merchants can request more credit for buyers from buyer details page;

On successful authorization, a hold will be created on the available credit limit. The available credit limit will now be reduced by the order amount. The hold will only be lifted if the invoice is voided - discussed on the next page - or after the invoice has been paid.

We can overwrite merchant_order_id sent in auth call with the merchant_order_id in capture call;
This might be useful if we don't know the order id at the stage when we're trying to do auth with Sprinque helping provide flexibility for merchants.