Magento/Adobe Commerce

Plugin to integrate Pay by Invoice by Sprinque in Magento

The plugin is compatible with Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce.

Sprinque is a B2B payment platform. Sprinque for Adobe is an extension that allows you to offer your business buyers what they want the most- net payment terms (7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 days) and thereby grow conversion and retention.
The extension is responsible for buyer onboarding, automated risk assessments, as well as transaction processing. At Sprinque, we strongly believe that extensions make everyone's life simpler and faster allowing them to offer payment terms seamlessly.
Built to integrate seamlessly with your Adobe webshop, Sprinque will appear in the checkout as a payment method for business buyers. When business buyers choose to Pay by Invoice, Sprinque conducts a real-time fraud and risk assessment, and buyers can pay up to 90 days later. Approved buyers will be given a credit limit and payment term, which can be used for multiple purchases.


  1. Before installing the plugin, please register an account in the Sprinque Merchant Control Center (MCC);
  2. You can use a sandbox or production environment (agree with the Sprinque team on NET terms, default credit limit, fee, etc., if haven’t please contact support@sprinque or your account manager);
  3. Install our plugin from this repo.
  4. Connect to your website source folder with FTP/SFTP/SSH client and upload all the files and folders from the extension package to the corresponding root folder of your Magento installation:

Please use the “Merge” upload mode. Do not replace the whole folders, but merge them. This way your FTP/SFTP client will only add new files. This mode is used by default by most of FTP/SFTP clients software. For MacOS it’s recommended to use Transmit.

  1. Connect to your Magento directory with SSH.
    6. Run 3 following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

For more information on how to configure our Magento 2 extensions, please contact [email protected]


The plugin is published to Packagist and can be installed using

composer require sprinque/module-payment


  1. Go to Stores -> Sales -> Payment methods -> Sprinque
    1.1 Turn the plugin on/off;
    1.2 Set Sprinque payment method name for your buyers;
    1.3 Set countries for which the payment method will be displayed (Sprinque has its own supported countries list)
    1.4 Set Sprinque API key (from MCC -> settings -> api keys and urls)
    1.5 Specify environment: sandbox or production;
    1.6 Map your store statuses with Sprinque order statuses.
    1.7 Set credit decision webhook URL in MCC that should look like https:://

  1. Now you will see the Sprinque payment method on the checkout page

  1. Place order button click will result opening the Sprinque modal to register a business first

Status mapping

Please make sure that you've mapped your web store status properly with Sprinque statuses
